Rabu, 09 Januari 2013



Titles of Books
A. Classical
Ibn Jarir al-Tabari (w 923)
Akhbar al-Rasul wa al-Mulk
History of prophets & governments of four caliphs, Umayyads and Abbasids.
Political History (narative)

Abu Hayan Ali al-Mas’udi (w 956)
Muruj al-Dhahab wa Ma’adin al-Jawhar
Religious and Social tradition, art, science, philosophy, literature
Total History
(new history)

Ibn Hisyam, Ibn Ishaq, al-Waqidi
Sirah Ibn Hisyam, Al-Sirah & al-Maghazi
History of Muhammad based on poems, festivals, etc
Social History
(new history)

Ibn Khaldun
Muqaddimah, Kitab al-Ibar
Factors of rise and fall of states, civilization & culture; philosophical elements of history.
Social History
(new history)
B. Modern
Philip K. Hitti
History of the Arabs
Islamic history from the formative period of the Arab’s culture to the Ottoman empires in Turk
Political History

E. Bosworth
Islamic Dynasties
Rise and fall of Islamic dynasties
Political History

Marshal Hodgson
The Venture of Islam
The dynamic of Islam: social, culture, intellectual and politics.
Social History
(new history)

Ira M. Lapidus
A History of Islamic Societies
The dynamic of Islam.
Social History
(new history)

Ahmad Amin
Fajr Islam, Zuhr Islam & Dhuha al-Islam
Islam: its early history and roles in spreading civilization
Intellectual History
(new history)

Husain Haikal
Hayatu Muhammad
History of Muhammad the Prophet

Badri Yatim
Sejarah Peradaban Islam
Islamic history (cronological) since Muhammad
Political cronology
(new history)

Sej Umat Islam, Sej Daulah Umayah & Abbasyiah
Narative story of ummah in classical period
Political History, no analysis found

Azyumardi Azra
Jaringan Ulama
Illustrates networks of middle eastern and Malay-Indonesian Ulama in the 17th & 18th centuries and its impacts to the Islamic intellectual tradition
Total History, Intellectual History
(new history)

Fuad Jabali
The Companions of the Prophet: a Study of Geographical Distribution & Political Alignments
Examines how political groupings or alignments among the companions happened.
Social & Intellectual History
(new history)

Some Recommended Books

  1. Abdullah, Taufik and Abdurrahman Surjomihardjo. Ilmu Sejarah & Historiografi: Arah dan Perspektif (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1985).
  2. -------. Nasionalisme & Sejarah (Bandung: Satya Historika, 2001).
  3. Bedarida, Francois. The Social Responsibilityof the Historian (Providence, Oxford, 1994).
  4. Braudel, Fernand. On History (Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1980).
  5. Burk, Peter, ed. New Perspectives on Historical Writing (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995).
  6. Febvre, Lucien. A New History (New York: Harper, 1973).
  7. Fukuyama, Francis, The End of History and the Last Man (New York: The Free Press, 1992).
  8. Hakim, Sudarnoto Abdul, ed. Islam dan Konstruksi Ilmu Peradaban dan Humaniora (Jakarta: UIN Jakarta Press, 2003).
  9. Hamerow, Theodorose S.Reflections on History and Historian (Madison: The university of Wisconsin Press, 1987).
  10. Humphreys, R. Stephen. Islamic History a Framework for Inquiry (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1991).
  11. Jabali, Fuad. “The Companions of the Prophet a Study of Geographical Distribution and Political Allignments” (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2003).
  12. Kartodirdjo, Sartono. Pendekatan Ilmu Sosial Dalam Metodologi Sejarah (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1993).
  13. -------. Indonesian Historiography (Jakarta: Penerbit Kanisius, 2001).
  14. -------.Pemikiran dan Perkembangan Historiografi Indonesia: Suatu Alternatif (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1982).
  15. Kuntowijoyo. Metodologi Sejarah (Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana, 1994).
  16. Lloyd, Cristopher. The Structures of History (Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1993).
  17. -------.Explanation in Social history (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986).
  18. Saefuddin, Didin. “Penulisan Sejarah Islam: Dari Zaman Klasik Hingga Modern,” al-Turats, Vol. 7 No. 12 (Juli 2001): 13-20.
  19. Stern, Fritz. The Varieties of History (New York: Vintage Books, 1973).
  20. Tilly, Charles. As Sociology Meets History (Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, 1981).
  21. Yatim, Badri. Historiography Islam (Jakarta: Logos, 1997).
  22. -------.”Metodologi dan Pendekatan Kajian Sejarah Islam” al-Turats, Vol. 7, No. 12 (Juli 2001): 1-12.

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